
Caught in the chaos of indecision, I am directionless, despite clear expectations. Blanketed in the boundless expanse of possibility I become awestruck to the point of stagnation. Thoughts blink in and out of my consciousness, too distant to discern with any semblance of clarity. I am aware of my paralysis, but no amount of willpower can propel me forward. Amidst the myriad of possibilities, I am unable to locate my guiding star, rendering me incapable of charting a course ahead and leaving me with nothing but listless exhaustion.

Executive function is what enables me to plan and execute tasks and projects. It is the culmination of cognitive abilities to prioritize, plan, organize, and adapt to reach my goals. Without it, there is a fundamental breakdown in the way in I am able to move through steps to complete a task.

My executive dysfunction creates a state where my thoughts and emotions blend together, making it difficult to distinguish one idea from another. Consequently, I struggle to organize my thoughts in a coherent and linear manner, making it challenging to initiate, maintain, or accomplish any given goal. The range of possibilities seems endless and overwhelming, with each step leading to a new set of considerations. Simultaneously holding multiple options in my mind for comparison is impossible, as they slip away like water through a strainer, causing the choices to become muddled. Like trying to count the stars on a cloudy night, it becomes frustrating and even frightening, as each thought and potential solution snuffs out just beyond my fingertips, leaving me stumbling forward in the darkness.